Next day we headed off to explore some of the state of New Jersey. John and Grace took us west through the pretty countryside, arriving in a small town of New Hope, just across a river into Pennsylvania. With a good range of shops selling local arts to look in, and a nice river front restaurant,(photo with John and Grace) we had plenty to do. From here we headed north, then back home. Despite being the most heavily, or is that most densely, populated state, there were still plenty of scenic open spaces, forests and farmlands to see.
Friday was another opportunity to rest up, but in the evening we headed off to The Bronx for a baseball game; the NY Mets versus the Philadelphia Fillies. The stadium held about 40,000, and with it being more compact than our ovals, the constant noise from the loud audio system giving information, entertainment and encouraging crowd participation, the endless peddlers of sodas, bagels, beers etc up, and down the isles, and finally some fireworks, it was quite an experience. The game itself wasn’t too exciting, and we didn’t catch a foul ball, but what the heck, we enjoyed ourselves. Another late night.
After a good night’s sleep it was time to repack our bags, relaxed around and get ready for our relatively short flight into Ottawa.
Photos of us with John and Grace on New Hope, NY skyline, Central Park, baseball, Kaye in Trump Tower with milkshake and NY bag.